Why Microsoft 365 Backup and Recovery is Important

Why Microsoft 365 Backup and Recovery is Important

What happens if your team can’t access important business files? The impact of data loss is disruptive at best and devastating at worst. While many businesses associate data loss with cyber attacks, a lot of the time it’s a little closer to home—user error. So, how...
How to Spot a Dodgy Website

How to Spot a Dodgy Website

As anyone with a mobile phone in Australia knows, scams are on the rise. Whether it’s “mum” asking you send through a couple hundred bucks on loan for groceries, or “Linkt” asking you to top up your toll account, sometimes fraudulent and scammy characters can be hard...
Chrome Coming to End of Life for Windows 7 & 8

Chrome Coming to End of Life for Windows 7 & 8

Late last year, Google announced that Chrome will no longer be supported on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1.   Their newest version of Chrome (Chrome 110) is set to be released on February 7th. This newest version will be the first to require you running Windows 10 or...